Sue Ferguson
Chiropodist and Podiatrist in Tenterden, Kent
LOCATION: Home | Frequently Asked Questions Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council
Registration No. CH16194

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are you a chiropodist? YES
    It is illegal to call yourself a chiropodist or podiatrist unless Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.

  • Are you registered? YES
    The Health and Care Professions Council is the ONLY official register

  • Do you sterilise your instruments? YES
    All instruments are cleaned in an ultrasonic bath and then autoclaved to sterilise them. Needles and scalpel blades are one use only and then safely disposed of.

  • Do you use a clean set of instruments for each patient? YES
    Yes, absolutely

  • How long have you been practising as a Chiropodist? over 35 years
    I have been a chiropodist in Tenterden in Kent for 30 years.

Health and Care Professions Council

HPC Logo - Registered

The Health and Care Professions Council is a regulator, set up to protect the public. The HCPC keep a register of health professionals who meet certain standards of training, professional skills, behaviour and health.

You can ONLY call yourself a chiropodist or podiatrist if you are on the Health and Care Professions Council's register for registered practitioners. For those not on the HCPC official register you might see the terms Foot Health Practitioner or Foot Health Professional

HCPC is your health and care professional registeredHCPC public awareness poster
Is your health and care professional registered
Click here to read 4 page poster leaflet


Contact Sue Ferguson
Book an appointment now to help your foot pain (please note I am not accepting new patients)
Tel: 01580 765546
Health and Care Professions Council
HCPC regulator
Health and Care Professions Council
Regulator of Chiropody
Sue Ferguson chiropodist and podiatrist in Tenterden Kent
Sue Ferguson
Qualified Chiropodist
Registered with the
Health and Care Professions Council
Registration No. CH16194

Sue Ferguson
BSc (Hons), MRCPod
Chiropodist and Podiatrist

2 St Benets Court
Kent TN30 6QS
Tel: 01580 765546
