Sue Ferguson
Chiropodist and Podiatrist in Tenterden, Kent
LOCATION: Home | Biomechanics and Orthotics Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council
Registration No. CH16194

Biomechanics and Orthotics


Many foot problems occur because of abnormal biomechanical function of the feet during the walking cycle.

The foot is composed of 26 bones and numerous articulations, ligaments, tendons and muscles. The way the bones, muscles and tendons interact with each other determines how the foot functions and the stresses and strains placed on the body as a whole.

The following can also contribute to imbalance in the feet:

  • Excessive weight
  • Type of work undertaken
  • Time spent on feet
  • Surface primarily stood on
  • Type of shoe worn


Orthotics (a type of insole which is worn inside your normal shoes) can be used to treat biomechanical abnormalities in the feet by improving foot function during gait.Even the slightest misalignment or abnormality can result in significant discomfort and can lead to:

  • Heel pain
  • Plantar fasciitis or Policeman's Heel
  • Foot Pain
  • Knee pain
  • Hip pain
  • Back pain
  • Flat feet
  • Corns and calluses
  • Arch discomfort
  • Tired aching feet
  • Bunions
  • Hammer toes
  • Claw toes
Biomechanical Examination

I make a detailed biomechanical examination of the feet to determine what the problem is.

Computerised Gait Analysis

I use the TOG GaitScan (The Orthotic Group) equipment as a diagnostic tool to provide assessment and diagnosis of foot biomechanics.


Further information about orthotics


Contact Sue Ferguson
Book an appointment now to help your foot pain (please note I am not accepting new patients)
Tel: 01580 765546
Custom Orthotics
Orthotics for running
Custom made orthotics for running to help foot pain, knee pain, hip pain and back pain

Sue Ferguson
BSc (Hons), MRCPod
Chiropodist and Podiatrist

2 St Benets Court
Kent TN30 6QS
Tel: 01580 765546
